It Is Not What It Seems

Sometimes people think that they can’t do a thing or even make it because of the situation they are in. The situation that they are in could make them depressed, feel worthless, feel hopeless, have no self-esteem, etc. These are things that the devil want you to feel. He wants you to feel these things and feel like you just can’t make it, but the devil is a lie. The stuff you are going through might have you feeling something false, but the truth is that you still have hope and you still have worth. Not only that you can reclaim your self-esteem, your peace, and your joy. There is hope in Jesus and the devil is a liar. Your situation feels terrible. Yes, this is true, but it is not over and you can come out of this. Nothing is impossible with God! Hold on and keep the faith. Keep your mind stayed on Jesus and resist the tactics of the enemy.

Press on and hold on! God Bless!

Published by RisingUpAnew

I enjoy writing, encouraging and uplifting others.

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